This is the view straight down from our hotel window. It makes me want to live here! Fresh fruits and veggies sitting outside on the window sill. Right after I put up my camera, one of the family members came back from the market and filled the basket with oranges, onions, more potatos, and the largest pears I have ever seen in my life. I am truly jealous.
The doors and knobs in Italy are amazing. The doors are three times as high as me and the knobs are huge and highly ornamental. Don't you just love this huge frog door knob from our hotel? I mean who thinks of these things????
My sister likes fun and quirky things and was immediately drawn to the pay phones. I love the contrast of the hundreds of years old buildings with modern day pay phones mounted to these walls. The graffiti just adds the final eclectic quirky touch to the scene.
I truly feel as if I am in a movie as I am walking the streets of Bologna. The buildings are amazing and the streets are filled with mimes and musicians playing for a few coins. This couple was actually amazingly good and very dedicated to their art!
As we were walking past one of the many fabulous outdoor eating areas, this pigeon just caught my eye. How'd you like to be the next person eating at that table?
So that is all from Italy for now. I am starving and when I fix that problem, then I am collapsing. Tomorrow I work all day at the International Children's Book Writers Conference. I am taking pictures for them for their event which will be published in one of the organization's newsletters and possibly used for future promotions. It will be a long day. More pictures later...
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